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A member registered Feb 18, 2022

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(2 edits)

Not related to the hinterlands, but I figured now's the time to ask. Is Luke interested in Khenbish sexually? How about Robert, and Themba -- are they sexually interested in Khenbish?

Decided against making a fangame and instead made a shitpost instead. Proof of concept inspired by

Has the choice "Throw Asterion's clothes into the valley" ever actually appeared in the game? I saw this tweet and played the Ruthless Master ending several times to try to find that option. I'm still a little rattled from the events that occurred. Then I searched through the project scripts for the keywords "wardrobe" and "clothes" and didn't find the option.  Dang. I guess I'll have to add that option in a fan game.

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I want to say thank you for having such a permissive view of mods/fan games. Here are some questions I have, as someone interested in making one.

1) Is it OK for a mod/fan game to use official promotional art (ex. from Nanoff's Twitter) as project assets (ex. pasting it into the project folder, incorporating it into the fanon story)? For example, the gym scene could really benefit from that pic of Asterion doing a modified Downward Dog, and a certain gif released earlier this month.

2) What type of accent do you picture Luke having? Considering he lived outside a red state for years and often communicates with people in the metro area, it's possible that he's accustomed to speaking with a more general American accent to strangers.

3) Is there an official reference for what Robert looks like without clothes? If not, what were the influences to his design?

4) Are the cobalts at or above the age of consent? They're allowed to work in a bar, but they have a bedtime.

5) If one were to be so lucky to have someone want to financially support a fan game/mod, would you be opposed to a fan game/mod maker placing their donation link on the download page and accepting tips?

6) When you licensed the music, did the terms allow the music to be distributed through derivative fan games? I want to know if removing/replacing the music is needed to avoid any chance of copyright infringement.

One more thing: Luke is a gold mine. There's so much to work with.